Picture Day

- When your team lines up for individual pictures, have at least two adults (coaches or parents) preparing the next player to get their picture taken. Ensure the player has their uniform on correctly and the bat or glove ready. When it is time for the picture to be taken, please help the photographer place the player correctly.
- After the individual pictures (coaches, you can get a picture with your child), they will get the team photo.
- Your team will wait outside (side door, not main entrance), then be called to come into the cafeteria to wait before being called into the gym for pictures.
- Please bring a team roster with player and coach names and give it to the photographer when getting your pictures. This will also reduce time so that the photographers do not have to write names.
- See below for ordering pictures online. Click the information, and it will take you to the password page.
****Please have the coaches and parents watch their players/ children so they are NOT climbing all over the gym equipment. Remember, we are guests of Sandymount.